LOVE your neighbor as I have loved you (the greatest commandment of all time.) BEAUTY comes from within. Anything that does not GROW is dead. we all reach that proverbial fork in the road, the road that we choose is our DESTINY.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Simply Fab!

1. almost impossible to believe; incredible.
2. Informal. exceptionally good or unusual; marvelous; superb: a fabulous bargain; a fabulous new house.
3. told about in fables; purely imaginary: the fabulous exploits of Hercules.
4. known about only through myths or legends.

My fantastically fabulous friend in passing asked me "Why are all your friends so fab?" Laughing I simply replied "I know right!" But then really thinking about it I really start thinking about how all of the women I tend to associate are well, simply amazing!

I know all my friends aren't exactly into all the same things that I am into, like or deem as necessities to life...each one of them are doing what is important to them! I love the fact that if one my friends wants a Birkin bag, she is not going to go find a man to buy her one! These take charge ladies know what they want and set out to go get. Yes, my fabulous friends are go-getters! Inspirational to say the least!

What I appreciate most about my girlfriends is how much being around them teaches me about myself. This time 7 years ago, I was just getting comfortable in my own skin. I would have said something like, "I am an intelligent, goofy kind of girl who just wants the finer things in life...I like who I am." 3 years ago I would have said, "I am an intelligent fun loving artistic and conscious sister who wants to save the world!" Now I will tell you, " I am still growing so just let me be. I might be on the red carpet being glam or in the community center kicking it with the kids. I might be wearing Prada shades or my knockoffs from the Fashion district. I might be working as a PA on set or I might be running my own business.

I guess what I am ultimately saying is that my girls are fabulous because they cannot be labeled. They have taught me that I am super multi faceted and I don't ever have to try to fit the mold. Kinky naps striving for champagne dreams kinda defies both molds. They have taught me that in all things I should reach for the stars because at the end of the day...I'm definitely am one!



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