LOVE your neighbor as I have loved you (the greatest commandment of all time.) BEAUTY comes from within. Anything that does not GROW is dead. we all reach that proverbial fork in the road, the road that we choose is our DESTINY.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Its Such a Good Feeling...

It took all of me not to type out all the lyrics to the Mr.Roger's classic!

I've been in a wonderfully good mood for like the past two weeks and I don't know what it is or where it stems from. It is like being in love without there being anyone to be in love with. It's like something wonderful has just happened without anything outside the norm happening. It's like being in anticipation of an upcoming event without anything being on the schedule. It's like buying a new CD or a new pair of shoes (we all know how happy these purchases make me) without having spent a dollar. I don't know how to explain it better than that. I'm just in a gosh durn great mood!

I know that there are so many reasons that I could complain and be worried but I am tired of worrying about things that I cannot change. It was when I made that decision, to be happy, that this whatever took its place.

I was telling this to Rell over AIM earlier and he typed "good that's god." And I was like huh, "god is a feeling?" He was like "yeah, but I meant good that's good." And I was like ohhh. But now that I think about, he was on to something. Whatever this feeling in is like loving/being loved by a significant other. It's like something spectacular occurring. It's like the excitement you have when you are about to go to Disney World as a kid. It's like those things I buy to make me temporarily happy.

It is happiness. I am happy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Phil 4:8

9:07 AM


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