LOVE your neighbor as I have loved you (the greatest commandment of all time.) BEAUTY comes from within. Anything that does not GROW is dead. we all reach that proverbial fork in the road, the road that we choose is our DESTINY.

Friday, April 28, 2006

What's the point of talking when nobody's listening??? I really am not the type of person to tell others whats going on with me. I do well dealing with things in my own way and moving on. I have learned that for some reason this really insults people who are close to you. I'm the one who is going through but you are insulted? I still have yet to figure it out how what I am going through personally has anything to do with you. For those of you, who are the friends that feel that it is important to know whats going on in all your friends lives...thats cool. I understand that you want your friends to know that you are there for them. But dangit!!! Don't push them if they don't want to tell you, it means a lot knowing that you are just there for them. And if this friend who tends to keep things to themselves ends up sharing with you, don't take it as an opportunity to be Dr. Phil! Take this time to be a good friend and listen. You would be amazed at how good people feel after you just listen. Don't analyze...LISTEN Maybe this is just me, but I know that if I didn't ask your opinion I don't want it. If I just want to vent let me do so... Think about it, if I am telling you whats going on in my life and you are interjecting every 10.5 seconds...then you are not hearing me out and not listening. So why am I going to keep talking... This is just advice to all my people who sincerly want to be that friend that people come to talk to. Consider this the advice your friend who wants you to shut up and listen would give you, if you weren't busy analyzing everything that they said. Peace...